It's a girl!! Nora Alene Atkinson was born today at 11:48 am. Nora was 6 lbs 12 oz. and 19 1/4 inches long. Momma and baby are doing great. Krystal's labor only lasted 3 hours and she did awesome. I think the comment made by our nurse after the delivery pretty much summed it all up when she said "Krystal looks like a princess but gives birth like a horse!" Ha ha ha! A couple of hours after the birth, I went and picked up Victoria and brought her back to the hospital to meet her new little sister. It was kind of an emotional time for Victoria. She didn't like when the baby cried and she's not too sure yet about having to share her mommy. At one point she said "Victoria want to go home now. Mommy drop baby on the chair, Okay?" By the time we left the hospital she had warmed up a little bit and even attempted to give Nora a little kiss but kind of chickened out at the last second. Anyway, Krystal will post more of the details when she gets home but I wanted to at least post of few pics cause the grandparents are dying to see their new granddaughter.
8 months old
2 years ago
Congratulations! The horse/princess comment is classic. :) You guys look great.
She is so beautiful. We couldn't be happier for you guys, and we are so excited to have a new niece! The Atkinson family is sure going to be fun with all of these little girls running around!
Hooray SHE'S finally here and is just as beautiful as expected!!! We do see a lot of Victoria in her.....a gorgeous princess just like her mom! Nice work Shawn and Krystal!! We love you ALL 4!
Congratulations!!! And what a great birthday!! It is Delaney's birthday today!!
Congratulations, you guys! Another girl - how wonderful. All the ladies look so beautiful, especially Crystal...pretty impressive for having just given birth.
Beautiful! Krystal- you look amazing after just having a baby!
I can't wait to hear the details!Ava came super fast too (even with being induced)!
I am sure Victoria will warm up soon- just keep her involved (having her get a diaper for Nora, and stuff like that), Congratulations!!!
Man, you have some fantastic birth stories to tell Nora when she's older! 'Your mom is a princess horse and your sister wanted us to drop you in a chair.' I love Victoria!
I want to bring you food and a gift whenever you're up for it. No rush.
PS--Krystal, please teach me your secrets! 3 hours?! I would LOVE to pull that off next time...
Congradulations! You all look great! Glad that mom and baby are well and healthy.
Congratulations!!! She is absolutely beautiful and I love her name! It's one of my favorites! Her and Victoria will be such great friends. There's nothing like a sister!
You look so good Krystal! Congrats on your sweet little girl, she is so beautiful and I love the name Nora!
I can't believe the nurse said that, that cracks me up!! Cograt's, you are going to LOVE having 2 little girls. Isabella still has her jealous moments with EVA...but for the most part they are inseperable and LOVE each other to death!
yay! congratulations! Another girl! How fun! I love the name too. She is adorable. I cant believe she is only 6 lbs and a week over due. She's just a small little thing. Im happy for your family. Congratulations again.
Congratulations you guys!
SO cute! So excited for your cute family. :) Congrats!!!
Congratulations Atkinson Family! Nora is beautiful and you all look great! What a wonderful way to end the summer :)
CONGRATULATIONS!!! She is beautiful! I agree the nurses comment is classic. Krystal you look amazing! Nora is beautiful and Victoria will warm up!
These blogs are wonderful! How else would we know what is going on. Congratulations on the new baby! We hope to see her next time you come out this way!
She is absolutely wonderfully beautiful! What a blessed miracle!
Congratulations!! She is a beautiful baby and we are so excited for you!!
Ahh Krystal she's beautiful!! Congratulations!! Hopefully she's a good baby and you're getting some rest! Take care! love ya --Paige
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