Monday, January 19, 2009

Those Leg Exercises Are Working

Shawn likes to do what he calls "Ski Leg Exercises" with Victoria, and has been doing them with her ever since she was tiny (too funny)!  And now at 4 months, Victoria is a pro at standing... 


Travis & Brianne said...

Krystal, Victoria is beautiful. It is great to see how well you are doing. How is the east coast? Travis and I are living in Iowa and we love it.

I hope all is going well for you.


Sommer said...

that is really impressive!

Laura said...

She is getting so big and still a cutie. Looks like things are going great back there. We only have 4 weeks until our little guy comes (hopefully sooner). Just got a promotion to ACO (Katherines job) right before I go on 3 months maternity leave. Here is our blog if you would like to take a look

Laura Wilkinson

Mom/Grandma W. said...

I can't believe she's standing so good already! You'll probably have an early walker. If you think your lives changed when she was born......just wait till she starts walking :) Start "kidproofing" everything in sight, and increase your exercise program. You'll need the extra energy just to keep up with her! Love to all!